Join a 21 Day Lifestyle Plan to prevent disease OR assist in reversal of disease such as Type II Diabetes, High blood pressure (Hypertension), Arthritis, and more! Learn how to eat healthier and live healthier by applying the Fundamental Principles of Health (NEWSTART Plan). This acronym stands for Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunlight, Temperance, Air, Rest, and Trust. This Lifestyle plan provides practical tools to holistic health which include information on nutrition, natural remedies, and hydrotherapy practices.
Provide 3-8 weeks of short term therapy from a Holistic Perspective
Offer Professional Continual Education Courses (CEU) at request and/or the level of demand. Provide lectures and seminars.
Support groups offered on topics such as “The Connection Between Medical Conditions and Mental Health” “The ART of Life Balance” and MORE!
Cooking Classes Promoting Healthy Eating
Provide Speaking Engagements on Mental Health from a Holistic Perspective. Other topics include healthy lifestyle changes and MORE!